

小姐 Hall’s is a place of movement and action, of collaboration and commitment. We innovate, and we adapt — both to the needs of our community and the needs of our world.

小姐 霍尔学院提供了, 自1898年建国以来, an exceptional academic education and the opportunity to develop values core to the human experience: authenticity, 尊重, 荣誉, 和经济增长. Our students have, since the beginning, become bold and 为共同利益做出创造性贡献的人.


这些价值观体现在我们的创始人身上, 米拉·欣斯代尔大厅, 马萨诸塞州中部一位年轻的拉丁语教师. Twenty years before the 19th Amendment granted her the right to vote, Mira Hall envisioned something radical: a world in which girls received the high-quality education they deserved.


So, in 1898, she did something bold: she founded a school. 正如人们所预料的那样, 据她的侄女说,这并不容易, 小姐 Hall “began her venture with little capital beyond her youth, her determination to have the best school she could build, 强烈的理想主义指引着她.” But, her intelligence, strength of will, and good humor won out: the School grew strong.

澳门威利斯网站的信念很早就受到了考验, when the School burned to the ground on a cold February morning in 1923 — a contemporary news article stated “there was nothing left but chimneys and bathtubs.“我很容易就离开了, but 小姐 Hall doubled down and invested her life’s savings into rebuilding. Classes continued off campus, and the “new” school opened the following year.

We foster an environment that opens possibilities and encourages individuals to follow and explore their passions, 主动为自己辩护, 成为领导者.


One other tenet of 小姐 Hall’s has defined us over the 125 years of our history: a commitment to learning from those who are different from us. 1932年的一篇文章 伯克希尔哈撒韦的鹰 newspaper celebrated this unusual aspect of 小姐 Hall’s School: “[小姐 Hall] felt that a school which chose its pupils from… different parts of the nation and world would give them a broader concept of life. And she has not deviated from the path which she laid out in 1898. That her idea was a right one is attested to by the fact that today her pupils come from all over the world.“他们现在仍然这样做。.

今天, 小姐 Hall’s School still embraces Mira Hall’s vision and empowers girls to use their voices, 做真实的自己, 变得大胆, 为共同利益做出创造性贡献的人.


  • 210名学生,70%寄宿,30%走读
  • 我们40%的学生是国际学生, coming from 23 countries; domestic students come from 11 states
  • All of our students continue on to institutions of higher learning. 来自2024届毕业生, 16% of graduates were accepted Early Decision and 82% were accepted Early Action.


小姐 Hall’s School inspires and encourages each girl to pursue the highest standards of learning and character; to contribute boldly and creatively to the common good; and to seek a purposeful life based on 荣誉, 尊重, 增长, 个人的真实性.


Guided by the mission and values of 澳门威利斯网站, 我们的毕业生展示 以下核心竞争力:

愿景 是梦想的意愿, 想象的可能性, 制定大胆而雄心勃勃的目标, 并制定实现目标的路线.

的声音 is the power to articulate ideas with authenticity and confidence. Young women with voice present themselves with integrity, 沟通的证明, 自信地倡导和谈判, 展示并赢得尊重.

人与人之间的功效 is the intersection of empathy, self-awareness, and cultural competency. Young women with interpersonal efficacy navigate diverse contexts with ease while maintaining consistency of character and building strong relationships and networks.

进取心 is the strength of mind and character to seek out challenges and grow from failure. Young women with gumption take calculated risks to create change, 实践自我反省, and distinguish the pursuit of one's best self from the pressure for perfection.


的 principles that guide our program development are outlined in our strategic plan. 它总是优先考虑学生, alongside a desire to regularly reimagine curriculum in light of student need, 学生的兴趣, 世界大事. 我们重点关注四个方面:

  • 创新项目 强调知识追求, 发展我们的核心竞争力, 和个性化, 为女孩量身定制的体验式学习
  • 包容的社区 that values diversity as essential to learning and problem solving, 作为一种发现和个人成长的方式, and as a context for cultivating empathy and cultural competency
  • Commitment to engagement, service, and leadership that strengthens connections between the School and our local and global communities and provides opportunities for students to discover passions and have influence
  • A culture of adaptability, collaboration, and excellence 使学院能够应对挑战, 最大化增长机会, and remain nimble in a changing educational landscape


Photos by the renowned photographer Clemens Kalischer, who captured images of MHS students and campus life from 1958 until the mid-1970s.



我的朋友们现在都是运动队的队长, 当地组织的志愿者, 在社区里伸出援手. Most of all, they are the embodiment of boldness.



小姐 Hall’s is governed by a thirty-member 校董会 who ensure the long-term sustainability of the School. This group of alumnae, parents, and friends meets four times each year.

Nancy Gustafson, 1973年, 总统他来自缅因州达马里斯科塔
劳拉·H. 哈里斯的74年, 副总统佛罗里达州的维罗海滩
苏珊娜·威尔逊,1964年, 副总统大木材,蒙大拿
凯蒂·格蕾丝·迪恩,2005年 职员马萨诸塞州梅德福市
玫琳凯科斯尼克P ' 15, 财务主管, 达,康涅狄格
Anne Peterson Conolly ’70, South Burlington, Vermont
安吉拉·W. 福勒73年,纽约,纽约
Elizabeth Welch Gustafson ’88, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
Rebecca Hajjar ' 89,布鲁克林,马萨诸塞州
Melissa Kilby,来自北卡罗莱纳州的山科里
苏珊P. 1977年第一天,马萨诸塞州波士顿
Nancy Brewster Paternotte ’65, Baltimore, Maryland
Jennifer Perkins Speers ’71, Salt Lake City, Utah


杰奎琳·B. 马尔斯57年,麦克莱恩,弗吉尼亚
特蕾莎年代. 汤普森64年,刘易斯堡,西弗吉尼亚州

了解更多澳门威利斯网站家的信息, situated in one of the Northeast’s cultural centers, 来一场虚拟之旅


Our Expressive Arts Department allows students to explore new ways of sharing their voice and ideas — music, 剧院, 以及视觉艺术
